This week is the "SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH WEEK :)"
and here are some... (i also dunno call what)
I slit a sheet,
A sheet i slit,
I sit upon a
slited sheet.
She sells seashells
on the seashore.
Red lorry,
Yellow lorry.
Red lorry,
Yellow lorry.
Betty bought some butter,
She said that the butter was bitter.
She put the bitter butter into the batter,
And battered the bitter butter.
The bitter butter became a better butter.
taken from the school's S.G.E.W's games :)
Challenge yourselves!
Today, JUNTIng invited YENPIng, SHARMAin, CANdy, HAZel and me to her house for BBQ :)
At first we played volleyball with Candy's "Skippy" beach ball.
Then we went to play the merry-go-round, it was damn fun!
Afterthat, we went to the "Pirate" swimming pool and went on the ship.
Hazel counted to three and she and Sharmain started to splash water at each other until they became so drenched.
Then the BBQ finally started!
There was a variety of food and we took some and sat on the area beside the swimming pool and ate. The food was so delicious :) *drooling*
After everyone ate their fill, Candy told us ghost stories and it was really a good time to say it as it was already very dark and what's more, no one is sitting right beside us and when the wind blows, the trees beside us shakes and it really have that creepy ambience.
Then, we went to take some more drinks and hot dogs and wings and ate again.
Afterthat, we went to play the merry-go-round again.
It was really a fun day!
Junting, thanks a lot for inviting me :)
Finally, the exams are over!
And, the results..
*drumroll..*English-paper: 66/95compo:33 to 35----------------Total: 79/100 (A)Mathematics-section A:19/20section B:22/30section C:34/50----------------Total:75/100(A)Chinese-paper:72/90compo:32 1/2Listening:19/20Oral:42/50-----------------Total:83/100(A)Science-section A:44/60section B:18 1/2/40 (failed)------------------Total:62 1/2/100Overall, i was quite happy with my results but dissapointed with my Science results as its not up to expectation although i like Science..
Today we went to the Singapore Discovery Centre and it was not really very meaningful as not really a lot of things about Singapore but fun!
We watched a short clip about Singapore (animation) and i really enjoyed it.
The best part of the trip was the part that we have to find the bags and take down some notes but my group did not found any.
The next favourite part was the part when we went into the VISIONARIUM and create the "future". It was a place inside a big big ball which looks like a globe and in the inside was so cool :)
Sharmain and me wanted to go and see the mini clip on "What will happen if there's a bomb in the Mrt?" (i think so) but did not watched it as there was no time. So sad..
Lastly, we all took the bus and went to see the SAFTI military. There were 3 schools there and a stone figure which is a combination of 2 figures to show perserverance to whatever obstacles or difficulties and will overcome them.
There is also..
[#01] A library with 80 000 boks about military & leadership
[#02] A SAFTI link bridge which is big enough for 2 big army tanks to pass by at the same time
[#03] A few canteens, a medical centre and a dental clinic
[#04] Army groups (pink, green & yellow)
[#05] Exercising-tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball courts, a swimming pool, a football field, a gymnasium and an area for rockclimbing.
[#06] and many more..
At least, it was not a wasted trip as i went to this type of place for the first time.
That day after school, Candy, Junting, Sharmain & me went to KFC to have our lunch.
Then, we went to Candy's house to do our RAP (part of music)
After we ate, we walked to Candy's house. At first we played with the carpet
(very cool & nice) then we played with a ball, etc.Candy made tea for us and it was marvellous :)
YumYum! *drooling*
Then, we did the RAP :)
At 4.15, we finished the Rap so Sharmain and Junting went home and I headed to Hazel's house.
She asked me there cos she needs me to help her to download msn.
At 6.30+ we went to her house downstairs and bought some titbits from the vending machine and ate along the way to the bus stop. Then I hopped onto the bus and byebye :)
(to you all)Want to know what's our Rap like?
See it when we rap it/when i post it after we rap it.
(p.s. sry cos the post is boring..)Date: 24/04/08
That day was the last day of MATHS OLYMPIAD.
Hazel, Ziminh, Candy & me bought our teacher, Mrs Joyce Lim, drinks and made a card for her on the spot.
We drew pictures and words on the outside of the drinks and gave her. She asked if the drink was poisonous and we all laugh (of course not).
Mrs Joyce Lim,
thank you for teaching us challening maths questions.
hope you like the drinks :)
Someone gave her a paper rose and it was damn nice.
Wonder who is it?
Date: 23/04/08
We did a slide about ENVIRONMENT for Science.
There are different environments everyone has to find out and present it to the class.
There are 5 environments:
[#01] FOREst
[#02] DESErt
[#03] WETLAnd
[#04] FRESHWATer POnd
[#05] OCEan
Every group has to do one and my group did the DESERT.
On that day, the groups have to start to present but no groups came out.
So my group discussed and came out to present first.
I was a little nervous but when we were in the middle of the presentation, my nervous-ness vanished. We kept looking at the screen to see what we should say and we know that we hardly or never look at our audience when presenting and that was no good as the fact was that we did not even prepare for it
(only the presentation).We presented the information and let our audience watch a miniclip for a while :)
The link:
Wanna watch?byebye :)
Visiting Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve...
I felt excited during the walk as I can learn more about different types of plants, insects & animals (nature).
I also felt refreshed as I breathe in the fresh air there early in the morning
I like to see the insects & plants the most and the part where we go into the lobster mound (structure).
I have learnt that..
there are different types of roots such as:
[#01] Aerial roots
[#02] Kneed roots
[#03] Prop roots
The mudskipper can actually see in black and white and in colour.
Mangroves provides us materials like good charcoal, etc.
and food such as seafood and atap seeds (the ones in ice-kachangs)
SBWR is worth protecting..
-to keep the bio-diversity of plants & animals
My group was A1 and the guide was good.
The guide gave us something to try and that thing was from plants and usually eaten in laksa & rojak(p.s. i forgotten whats that..)
and also atap seeds.

the activity sheet..

My cute airplant by the window~
It was a fruitful trip there :)
Date: 14/04/08
sry people..
unable to blog for the last week, last last week and so on.
will make up for those days :)
reason being? (on my tagboard)