Today, as usual, there was study group but Hazel was going out with her aunt but she will be coming after that.
Then, Sharmain and me went to KFC to buy our lunch and then eat at her house. After a while, Hazel and her sister came and showed us their new watches bought by their aunt. Then, each of us borrowed Crystal's prefect tie and wore it and even took photographs. lols.
When it was about 5+, Hazel, me and Crystal went to play basketball so Sharmain sent us down. The sisters realised that they have forgotten to take their plastic bag of plastic container and warranty card for their watches. So, Hazel asked Sharmain to throw it down the window. Then, it landed in the dry drain and the cover of the plastic container cracked and the sisters were fuming mad and was complaining till a certain time.
Acctually, it was not Sharmain's fault as Hazel was the one who thought of that idea of throwing it down. (no offence)
When we reached the road that we must cross over to reach our destination, the two sisters would always cross the main road to save time so i followed. Acctually, the pedestrain crossing was only a few metres away from where we're crossing. It was really dangerous to risk our lives to cross the main road when there was no adults.
Then, the sisters went home to change their clothes and we ate ice pops on the way to the basketball court. There, we met Ming You, Claris and her maid. We played for a while and it was really damn fun :)
At 6.30+, Crystal treated her sister, Ming You and me to some ice-cream sold by an uncle on the road with a van filled with "goodies" :)
Yums. Thanks, Crystal :)
After a few more rounds of match, it was already 7pm. I went home with Crystal sending me on the bike which belonged to Ming You. I was really lucky then, as when i reached, the bus came and i ran to board it. Then, I waved good bye to Crystal who just reached the bus stop. lols.
Had a fun time playing basketball :)
Today, MC told us our preliminary oral examination results
INDIRECTLY and i was happy with what i know about mine.Later part, during mother tongue supplementry, when it was going to end, Ms Lee told us to tell her our mock paper's result based on the marks upon 100 as she wanted to record them down. Then, it was A's turn to say the marks. A did not brought the paper and A told Ms Lee the marks. She realised that A did not brought them. She asked how A knew and A answered "I remembered them. Believe it or not, its up to you."
Then, a storm brewed. You should probably knew it was of course, scolding. Suddenly, halfway through the scolding, Ms Lee shouted "Go and die." Everyone was shocked. Utterly shocked. I could not belive my ears and now i was still thinking "was it?" But i had asked my friend to get the answer that day.
Even if she was really angry, she, as a teacher should not tell her student to go and die. Perhaps, that accidentally slipped out of her tongue. But, was it? I don't think so as she had been a teacher for years. By now, she should have been a professional teacher that never show out their inner thoughts (nasty things).
Today, my class went to take height and weight. I was actually thinking whats the reason that we must take again? Then, Mr Jasri told us that we must stand on a machine that will take both of our height and weight and tranfer the datas into the computer. That makes work so much easier. Technology helps the needs of Mankind. It also saves time. I grew by 3cm but still do not know whats my weight as i did not have enough time to see it on the "screen".
Today, i learnt a very important thing which was some synthesis sentences will immediately be wrong when the tense is wrong and there's no need for the marker to even glance at the sentence structure. MC said that we must be meticulous. Very meticulous.
Then, i saw Venesa solving the rubiks cube. It was nice looking at what she was doing. She was figuring out something and then was solving it right away in motion. Sharmain and i was telling each other "pro" which was refering to Venesa. Afterthat, i went to ask her what was the way to solve it and she replied that she needs to memorize. Nowadays, the rubiks cube was quite popular and i wonder why..
This morning, i overslept and missed some of my tv programmes!
p.s. i'm a tv addict :)
Perhaps, i was too tired that i slept till 11.30 am.
When i was eating breakfast, i ate and watched tv at the same time. There was no shows i liked but when i came across channel U, there was this mediacl programme about high blood pressure. After watching it, i came to know that high blood pressure can cause one to faint or get stroke.
Then, i suddenly remembered watching a show some time ago about a lady who has low blood pressure and at that time, i was like thinking "wow, there's also low blood pressure." Those people needs to eat sweet stuff like candies or chocolates so that they will not faint easily. Until now, i still cant figure out why they must eat those sweet stuff. Is it because they lack of sugar?
After a while, i got bored so i switched to channel news asia and it was talking about China, Beijing. It was about the Olympic Mascots, Huan Huan, Ying Ying, Bei Bei and Jing Jing. They were all so cute. The tv said that if you go there, you will definitely catch a glimpse of them. They were showing a shop that sells soveniers. Over there, there were lots of things related to the Olympic Mascots.
There were soft toys, keychains, mugs and many many more. I think almost the whole store is full of them. They said that Chinese would usually go for Huan Huan as it is red in colour and it represents the olympic flame. They also said that most English people will go for Jing Jing as panda represents China and i kind of agree to what they say.

That time, Hazel went to China and she bought keychains for some of us and i chose Jing Jing as it was so cute :)
At night, the delivery man came to deliver a washing machine to my house as the washing was spoilt and my father went to order it. After everything was settled and the delivery man has gone, we immediately went to wash our clothes in the washing machine and when the washing machine starts to run, it produces a tune, i was like amazed and that was cute and i think my sister would love it.
Then, my parents read the warranty card and it only stated warranty for a year. My father was so angry as the person said it has warranty for 5 years and he said that he was happy for nothing when he heard that.
Now is 1:02am and i've just finished posting. I bet most of you are already asleep as everyone in my family has slept except for me:)
Good night everyone. Or.. should i say morning?
This morning, there's English Listening Comprehension and when everyone was ready and done halfway, something went wrong.
It was the radio; it was not working well as some words were pronounced oddly.
Then, Mdm Sharifah went to get help and the class was so well behaved and some were even flipping to the pages to read the questions so that they will know what to find out for the next few passages. They maked used of the time :)
I also did the same :)
At first, i thought the problem lies with the CD as perhaps it has scratches on it but when i saw Mr Hu, the "hero", came in to change to another radio, i realised that i was wrong.
Then, everything resumed.
The English Listening Comprehension was quite difficult as there were some tricky questions like..
[#01]Which places did Amanda visit in Malacca?
[#02]Which route will the customer take?
For Mother Tongue Listening Comprehension, it was quite difficult as there were quite a number of words that i do not know how to read.
Right after the Mother Tongue Listening Comprehension, there were some visitors. I wonder who they were and why they came here..
During social studies period, there was lots of things to copy about the racial riot and my hands were so tired.Then, we did a orange ribbon which was an activity on Racial Harmony Day.
When Social Studies was over, Mrs Goh gave Sharmain, Hazel and me some tips on oral; is that counted as lucky? I also don't know. Perhaps, maybe. Lols :)
Our class is in the 2nd session and when it was 3pm, some of us went up but was asked to go down to wait as the 1st session pupils have not finish theirs yet. We waited for a long time for about.. 50 mins+/-
It was scary to know that you are going to have 2 testers and you only can practise your own oral resources outside as when you step into the examination hall, you are supposed to practise the passage and picture given right after you sit down.
While i was waiting for my turn outside the school hall, i saw some teachers eating some yummy brownies from a box. I think the person who thought of putting the box of brownies there is a very thoughtful person as the teachers are preparing for the oral examination and i think that some of them even have no time to eat their lunch.
This time round, we were only given exactly 5 minutes to read the passage and it was quite challenging as we have to race against time. When i saw the picture, i tried to remember the whole scene so that when the 5 minutes is over, i can still practise once more.
My testers for English was Mr Ronnie Phua and Mdm Suraiya :)
My tester for Mother Tongue was Mr Li :)
When the oral has finished (both), Sharmain, Hazel and me went to wait for the VIP, Miss Tan Zi Minh, lol, as she was the last one to take the English oral in her group.
Then, we all chatted about the oral and went home with a sign of relief as the oral was over.
But.. the PSLE oral is just round the corner..
#THE PERFORMANCE[Introduction]
This picture dipicts a scene of a performance. There are six performers and a group ofaudience. A big banner reading "The Fantastic Six" was hung on the wall.
Perhaps, it is refering to the six performers on the stage. Balloons and colourful streamers were hung near the banner to beautify the stage.
The performers seemed to be students and perhaps, it is a school concert of the school choir's top six singers. The six performers are singing melodiously and pasionately. They are all singing professionaly as they do not bring out their emotions inside them but bring out a big smile to show that they are enjoying it. Their smiles are infectious and it shares joy with the audience at the same time.
They seemed to have some actions to make while singing and i think it is good so that it would spice up the performance.The audience who maybe the performers' parents are captivated by the melodious song sung by their children. Their parents seemed proud to see their children singing on the stage happily.
One of the three boys, is having a stomachache and was on the verge of tears. Heseemed to be in excruciating pain and is putting his hand over his stomach. I think that heis in great pain as his legs are wobbly. His choir member who is standing right beside him is surpporting him with two hands. A lady who may be the teacher-in-charge noticed it and stepped forward to the stage to see if he was alright.
The other four choir members were still performing with a big smile hanging on their faces.I admire their professionalism and applaude for their showmanship as even when something is happening, they are not even distracted by it. I praise the choir members' ettiquette that they have.
A man who is a part of the audience is looking at the boy worriedly who is having a stomahache. Perhaps, he is the boy's father. In my opinion, i think that the teacher-in-charge should ask the boy's father to bring him to the doctor so as not to disturb the audience and let them to continue enjoying the melodious performance.
A performer should always uphold their professionalism because a performer takes years to learn but minutes to showcase their talents to entertain their audience and also let their audience enjoy theperformance. A performer should not get easily distracted so that even when something is happening,they are the only ones who can "save" the whole entire performance.
comments please?
Yesterday, Sharmain, Hazel, Crystal and me went KfC for lunch.
Sharmain ordered a shrooms meal
The 2 sisters odered a O.R fillet each
I ordered the variety value meal as Hazel said its more worth it than to buy 2 wings.
In the end, i cant finish mine as it was really quite a lot for me so before i ate the chicken drumstick,i suggested to share with them.
When we reached Sharmain's house, Hazel wanted to go to the restroom and when she came out, she stepped on Sharmain's dog's poo which was on a newspaper placed at the front of the toilet door. When we saw it, we all laughed
Then, we went to the room to study for oral but we were distracted right away when we just stepped in. Sadly, our whole (almost) day was wasted as we went there to play rather than to study.
Hope that's not going to happen again and we must learn to control ourselves :)
Then, i followed Hazel to her house as she and her sister needs to get changed out of their uniforms as they wanted to go down to play basketball. Afterthat, i went down with them to the basketball court which was just a few metres away from their house.
When we reached there, wow! so many people i know. Hazel and her sister were so lucky to stay there. How i wished i could stay there too and learn how to play basketball.. Shortly, Hazel went to play with them and Crystal send me home, so sweet of her..
But actually is..
(cant tell..)
Bye$ :)
That day, my brother's fwen recommend him to watch this and my brother also asked Amirah, Dhanie and me to watch it and we all laughed (a little) xD
Coke Or What! [Muttons To Midnight]hope you enjoy it :)