Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today, i went to school to submit my six choices.
Then, i went to Hazel's house. Afterthat, the both of us went to Tampines Cinema to catch the 2pm show, BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA.
Hazel and me rate it as okay okay, not very funny.
The dogs in the show shown were all dressed up so prettily and were all so pampered.
They have spas, birthday parties, suntanning together with their dog friends. Envy them siaa..
Of course, their owners are very RICH. The Chihuahua from Beverly Hills even had a DIAMOND dog tag around her neck. But overall, Hazel and me thinks its not worth to watch it.
However, different people have different likings and opinions..Then, the both of us went to play at the arcade-Bowling. Real fun! And also, Basketball. Then, we went to the Pasar Malam to play. Firstly, we played somthing which is filled with air. There is a HUGE air-ed Dinosaur at the front of it. Then, we played Viking.
Afterthat, we bought BBQ chicken wings and ate as we went window shopping. Then, i brought Hazel to see Pasir Ris Secondary School as i've been there before.
Afterthat, we went home (:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This morning, i followed Zi Minh, Candy and Hazel to MACDONALDS for breakfast.
Hazel and me had the $2 meal while Candy and Zi Minh had the BIG breakfast(?).
Then, we took the bus, heading for school. On the bus, on one of the bus stop, we met ShiYing, Sharmain, her brother and mother.
We all went into the school, i bet we're all anxious. We all settled in the hall. There were quite a number of parents at the side of the hall. Then, Mrs Wee announced who were the Top students. The top was Melvin. He got 271. Pro siaa..
Afterthat, we all went back to our classes while the anxious looking parents stayed outside, waiting for their kids to get their results. The first in class was Sharizal. Congrats (:
Then ms started telling the class who scored what, what, from the highest to the middle middle. The rest she said randomly, without the marks said.
I was quite worried. For the past few days, i was just hoping that i'll get at least a 200 or even better, a 230 at least. I kept thinking that i'll get a 183. That 3 numbers just kept coming to my mind the past few days. Lol.
Then ms called my name. I didn't really heard it until smc said somthing like "Go la, your name."
I forgot what she said exactly. I was really happy when i knew i got 230 (:
English: A
Maths: B
Chinese: A
Science: A
The very surprising thing was that my Science got an A. I always get a B. Always. Thank God my Science pulled my aggregate up (:
Then, some of my mother tongue classmates, me and Ms Lee went to BugerKing. She treated the 13 of us, excluding herself to one student meal each. In all, she spent $58.50. Woahh.
Then we all went home. Thanks for the meal, Ms Lee (:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Today, Hazel, Lin Ming, Ming You, Hui Xiang (LM sis) and me went to watch Madagascar Escape 2 Africa.
Acctually, the whole thing was not very confirmed as Lin Ming was running a fever. However, on Monday afternoon, Lin Ming confirmed that he'll be going. But on Monday night at around 10, Hazel told me that Lin Ming said that he could not go already as he's fever was rising again. So, at 10 plus, i called Lin Ming's house to ask if he really could not go. However, his sister told me that he was sent to the hospital as his skin suddenly turned
purple.She was crying while she talk. When i heard her cry and telling me what happened, i really got a shock. I tried to console her and immediately told Hazel and Ming You. The three of us were seriously worried for him. So at that time, we were confirmed that the movie outing was CANCELLED.
So, Hazel asked me to follow her to watch HSM 3. We asked Ming You if he wanted to go but he did not want to. So, it was decided that the both of us woukd be going out together the next day.
When i reached Hazel's house at around 11 plus, she told me that we could go to Lin Ming's house to visit him as he had came home from the hospital. So, the both of us went to take some coloured pens and paper to make a Get Well Soon card for Lin Ming. Right after we finished designing the card, we recieved a surprising phone call. A call from Lin Ming. To our surprise, he told us that he could go already. Means he was well already. But still, we decided to give him the cards if not our effort would be wasted. We called Ming You and the both of us went to Lin Ming's house.
Lin Ming's mother than told us that Lin Ming was very disapointed so she let him go as his fever also had went down. We watched a chinese CD while waiting for Ming You to come. After Ming You came, we surfed the net and then headed for the bus stop.
When we reached Tampines, we bought the tickets. Then, Hazel, Ming You and me bought nachos and drinks. Then we went into the theatre. The show was not bad. Quite funny. But, i think the opening was not very nice. Overall, it was quite worth to watch it.
Afterthat, we went to Century Square, wanting to eat together. However when we reached there, Lin Ming's mother asked Lin Ming and his sister to go home. So, Ming You, Hazel and me went to the Malay foodcourt. I was not very hungry so i did not eat anything.
Afterthat, Hazel and Ming You followed me to the Pasar Malam to play the rides. We played both things. Firstly, we played Viking. Although the boat was very small, it was real fun. I was sitting on the end seat then. Afterthat, Hazel sort of begged us to play with her something. I'm not sure what it is called but it is something that is full of air and we could just climb up and slide down. At first, we thought it was kind of lame but, Dhanie said it was fun and we'll never regret playing it. (We met Dhanie there.) After that game which lasts for 10 minutes, we were all perspiring like never before. I've never perspired like this before. And the three of us were really tired. But, I did not regret playing that :)
Although the rides look a l'll too childish for us, it seriously was fun :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Today was the last day of school. Sadds sia. Took some photos :)

We had a party together with 6A. We had pizzas, cakes, soft drinks, fried rice, noodles, titbits and many more. Seriously a wide spread of food. Then we we had the graduation champagne.
We also watched the skit.
I also had my friends to sign on my uniform :)
Today's the best day ever.
Hope that some of my friends would enter the same school as me so that i'll have some "ready-made" friends there. And i hope that all of my friends wont get into bad company.
And lastly,

my friends :)
*drew by Ven.