Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lol, today's my birthday :D
And some of my girl classmates sang a
happy birthday song to me. They sang quite loud. And, i was like very paisehh liddat. Averyl said she pity me. Haha :D But anyway, it was very nice of them to sing me a birthday song (: Joyce also sang me a little song which is from her church one (:
And, Chelsea drew this on the spot and gave it to me :D So nice rite?

Cup cake (: Thankks, Chelsea. lalala~ LOL.
Today, Sharmain came to my house and pass me my birthday pressie :D
Here it is!

Its a handphone holder :D
I like it so much; so cute rite? Heehee. Thankks a lot, SMC :D
Junting also gave me a birthday present. She gave it to me last year, together with my christmas pressie :D

Its a specs holder/monitor screen wiper and a wrist rester. Hehe :D Very useful (: 3 in 1. Junting, thankks for the pressie (:
And, Hazel gave me this (:

So nice rite?
and this

All her hard work :D
Very nice rite? I was so happy when she gave it as a surprise to me on msn. Its like, she really put in alot of effort :D Its like very hard to draw on paint. Somemore, draw nicely. Especially the cake and the hearts (: And, if you are wondering what's the LG, its Lao Gong. LOL. Just a game ok? Not les. Haha. Thank you, Lao Gong!
And, Terryin send me an e-mail (:
Happy Birthday JOAN ( is nt I dunno hw to spell ur name ) hope that you will have a wonderful 13 years old ahead !!! And hope our friendship will be damn good throughout 2009 and i think 2010 kk :D I wish you to have a wonderful and fruitful year this year!!!! And get good grades ok!! Let's get good "grades" ok and work hard togather as a team of 1F !!!! :D
From: Terryin :D
And, thankks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! :D
And, the first person who wished me was Shane followed by Sharmain, classmates (:, Hazel and so on :D
waving goodbye to my childhood.. haha :D
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Well, celebrated my birthday at home yesterday. My birthday is acctually tomorrow. However, the cake was kept in the fridge for a day or two so we decided to celebrate it yesterday. The cake was bought 1 or 2 days before the day we ate it as my parents said that most of the bakers would have already go back to celebrate CNY by the time we buy it on today. Haha.

My cake :D
Saddly, no candles :( It was just a simple celebration. Just cut the cake, take photos and eat. Okayy, i dont mean eat the photos; eat the cake :D Haha. No Happy Birthday song, no blowing of candles, no wish made :(
The cake was not bad la. Blueberry chocolate cake. But i prefer the cake we had during the celebration of my sister's birthday last year. It was a strawberry cake. Haha :D
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!HAPPY CHINESE 牛 YEAR!*牛=cow. Its pronouciation is "niu". It sounds like new.
It was a long day yesterday. My family and i went to Church, Bugis, Chinatown then Simei to have our reunion dinner.
We went to ST.ANDREW'S Church which was located near Changi Hospital. We went for the chinese service. My and my brother did not want to attend the children one as we were here for the very first time. LOL. Were given mandrain oranges :D I saw Grace there with her mother (: Halfway then, an old woman fainted. I think everyone was shocked. She was put into a wheelchair and sent to the hospital. The hospital is just upstairs. After the service, we went to Changi Hospital's foodcourt to have our breakfast.
Afterthat, we went to Bugis to find my sister's clothes as there is a shop there which sells baby/toddler clothing. And they are not that expensive. However, the shop was closed or going to be closed down? LOL. A wasted trip there. So, we walked about and most of the places were selling CNY stuff. There was a BIG air-pumped Cai Shen Ye (God of Fortune). Haha. Then there were some information about the 12 sheng xiao (Zodiac).
But sadly, never take photo. My father dont want hand over the camera -.- LOL.
As we were walking to the bus stop to take a bus to Chinatown, we saw this and my father ask me take photo. Haha. Quite nice la :D
Spiral Stairs.
From another angle.
Saw this building at the bus stop. It looked kind of special but quite messy. I was wondering if there would be lights shone out of the white stuff at night. Haha. Wonder what building it is.

Photos taken on the bus..
Saw that Fire Engine?
The Fire Station :D My father says it was the first Fire Station; the oldest one. O.O Haha, is it true?
The colourful windows. Haha.
Anyone has any idea on what's this?
The Fire Engine seen just now. Hehe.
A closer look. Haha.
Dunno what's this. LOL.
Furama City Centre. My mother say this building looks like fingers. I didn't took the top, @%$^#*!. LOL. My bro say, you never take until the middle finger. Haha.
At Chinatown (still in the bus)..
Cows. Haha. Cow Year.
The stage for the CNY countdown.
Cai Shen Ye (God of Fortune) and orange tree? LOL.
Cows & firecrackers. LOL.
More cows.
Then, it was time to get off the bus. Haha. Went CK first and then to the streets. The streets were full of people and it was damn hot la. Almost all the Chinese New Year stalls were selling sweets.
Let pictures do the talking :D
Jellies :D

I find this very special :D

My bro & me find the lion at the right hand side scary. Haha.
Then, we all went to eat. We sat just right opposite Connie's stall. The winner of Super Mummy. There was a lonnngg queue. I think most of them were there to buy the fa cai yu sheng.

Taken when walking to the MRT station..

Another cow. Haha.

Afterthat, we went to have our reunion dinner at Hola :D Saddly, i forgot to bring my camera with me :( Well, the food were yummy. I liked them alot :D I was so full afterthat. I want go Hola eat again next year!! LOL. There were yu sheng, shark fin, steamed fish, mixed vegetables, sweet and sour mango chicken, fried rice and logan dessert.
So guyys, how was your reunion dinner? Was the food to your liking? Had a great time? Hehe :D Feel free to tell me at my tagboard (:
Btw, Happy Chinese New Year Eve, everyone!
may all of you get lots of red packets! Hehe.
23 January 2009There was CNY celebaration at school today. All of us wore our school uniforms unlike some schools. Almost all the teachers were dressed in
After singing the national athem and taking the pledge, its Prize-Giving time :D Prizes for the top 3 most well decorated 4 festivals notice board classes and also prizes for the class motivational something. Forgot what it is. Haha. My class won the 2nd & 3rd placing for both of the competitions. The prizes were food, food & more food. HAHA. Okayy, i know i'm lame -.- And hence, there were more food for the PARTY :D hehe.
Firstly, we had the CNY concert. There were not much stuff which are related to CNY except for the SKIT. We had the Hildan Superstar first. All of the contestants were girls and most of them were Chinese. Most of them came in small groups :D. There were Chinese songs and Malay songs sung (: Afterthat, we were asked to vote for one of the contestants which we think her/their singing is nice. heh. Our votes takes up 50% of the whole. I voted for a China girl who sung the Little Nyonya opening song and in the end, she won (:
Then, came the Skit. Some parts of it were like taken from the show Little Nyonya. Mrs Chan played in it :D
After the skit, we all went back to class and it was PARTY TIME! LOL. Almost all of us contributed something :D I contributed a pack of gummy sweet. hehe. We also opened the prizes that we won so that there will be more food.
There was titbits (small&big packs), drinks, sweets, chocolates, CNY goodies and more :D We were lucky that Esther had brought along some cups or else everyone wont get to drink. haha.
Then, we played some games like, WACKO, BANG! & TRUTH or DARE. We were playing WACKO and halfway, Mrs Chan has to go to the hall to perform the Skit again for the Sec 3s 4s & 5s. Hence, Ms Amira came in and took over our class.
During some of the games, i cleaned up the tables and stuff with some people :D It was quite fun. LOL. During TRUTH or DARE, Judy and me did not want to play as all the truth and dares are.. you know la. So, we sat at one of the tables and watched them play. Then, it was Marianne's turn to choose t/d. She chose dare. And she did it to a boy (a must) who was sitting beside Him. And, i told Judy, someone's angry, i think. O.O
We played the games till it was about time to wave good bye and go home. We did not even decorated any CNY greeting cards!
It was then time to go home. Some of my classmates went back to SHPS to see their teachers. I also wanted to go back CKPS but, my mother wants to bring us out so she don't let -.-
When i reached Simei, Hazel came running towards me. Annabel was there too :D The both of them are going back to school. Not fair la! LOL. Later part, Hazel told me that MS had already gone home. Awww, some of the 6B pupils must be dissapointed..
tagboardd replies (:Junting: yeaa (: hehe.
Claire: hi too :D thankks for tagging.
Alexia: why insane? okay lar. i always look forward to each school day (: i made many frens there :D
Marianne: err, choir (:
Sharmain: nope. not Bryan Tan from CKPS. is Bryan dunno what from SHSS. LOL. (:
Zhenni: hello (: thankks for tagging here once again. haha :D
Joyce: thankks for tagging. my blog is suffocating in your love. love is in the air~ LOL. haha. Chairman, relax. hehe.
Nothing much to post about today..
So post this.. :D
So far, i have made quite a number of friends at SHSS :D
And, i think i talked to almost all of my girl classmates.
I have girl classmates like..
Joyce, Judy, ZhenNi, JiaJing, Sandra, Mandy, Terryin, Claire, Avryl, Dily, PeiEn, Noreen, PeiSi, ChenTing, Nicole, Esther, Chelsea, Suhaida, Marianne and Amelia.
*The order doesn't mean anything. Its randomed. Some i cannot remember :x
Joyce is the first friend i made at SHSS. She's a friendly and pretty girl. Haha :D
Judy is a nice girl. At first, i thought she was a Malay. But, she's not. She looks like one. ZhenNi says she's sexy. Haha (:
ZhenNi is a very cute girl. Very hilarious and has a very contagious laughter. She never fails to make me laugh :D
Noreen is a nice girl who is those type that will least likely get into trouble (:
JiaJing is also called BURGER QUEEN. LOL. She always eats burger. Hehe. She's a cute girl and likes to "hello!" people. Haha :D
PeiSi is a very nice girl who HATES FROGS. She has a cute laugh. She's also quite humorous :D
Mandy is a very sporting girl who is crazy over volleyball. 6 is the number.
Terryin is a girl with nice fringe ^^. LOL. She's quite funny and is a com addict.
Clair is also a quite funny person who has MANY nicknames which she doesn't like. Haha. Like, Clara, Eclaire, Carat and so on.. She will strangle/beat the person if anyone calls her those names. Haha.
Chelsea is a girl who doesn't like to smile as she looks cute when she smiles and she doesn't like people to say that she's cute. She speaks like an ang mo lang (: The way she talks is nice :D But, sometimes, i cant really understand. Hehe.
The rest are also very nice people. I dont really know them that well but, i know them. LOL. So, dunno what to say.
18 January 2009Yesterday, i woke up at 3pm plus liddat sia. Crazy rite? So late. But, i dont think is because i slept at 1am plus the previous night. I slept like about 14 hours plus? LOL. Maybe because i was sick. LOL.
Then, around evening time, went to see doctor. At the MRT there der :D I have flu, sore throat and cough. Acctually, already had them last weds. Ate medicine and today, i was like going to okay already (:
Haha. Nothing post ler.. zzz.
08 January 2009Today, when taking MRT home, i saw Gladys and Ai Ting at Tampines MRT station. They saw me first. I could not recognise Gladys. She cut short hair ler. We talked a little in the train and went down the escalator and out of the MRT station together (: Then, i saw HAZEL! I saw her and she saw me. Lol. That feeling is undescribable. I was so happy. And i think she was too, looking from her expression. I ran to her and she ran to me. Lol. Like Indian movie liddat. Haha. She looked thin in her uniform. Hehe. Crystal was there too. Of course, we talked and Hazel used her phone to take a photo of us :D Dao Hui and Bidisha was there too. Dao Hui looked a bit wierd in his uniform 'cos his shorts is like, too long for him ler. We also saw Mrs Lim and Ms Seet. They thought that we all arranged to meet. Haha. Then, Hazel, Crystal and me went to walk around eastpoint and enjoy the air-con. Haha. Then, we saw Pei Shan. After a while, we all went home ler (: Hehe.
09 January 2009Today is CCA selection day. And, we were given a slip of paper each regarding the CCAs the teachers in charge thinks that we might be good in after all the auditions.
Here it is..
The ones circled in red are the ones i can consider to join. Lol. They are Band, Choir, Guitar Club or Handbell. I'll most probably join one of them. If so, it should be choir 'cos i am not really good in playing instruments. However, handbell looks intresting (:
After school had ended at 12.45pm, i went to had lunch. There was still lots of time after we ate as we need to assemble in the creativity hall by 2.30pm. So, some of my friends and me went up to class and help out with the 4 Festivals or whatsoever decorations. I also swept the floor as there were staples on the floor in case people accidently step on them and it poked into their feet or whatever.
Then, Noreen and me went to the creativity hall and then went to see the CCA booths together. Joyce, Judy and Zhenni did not came as they joined volleyball and so, they need go practise or dunno what. Hehe :D We walked here and there and were kept given flyers. Band had the most people and hence, almost everyone one of them had instruments with them and they made noises until almost the whole place was as if there was only them there with their instruments. However, i dont think all the people in band are there la. It was damn noisy. Too loud already.
Then, i saw Pei Si and Chen Ting trying out some netball tests. I also went to try out :D After the few tests, i decided that i am not joining netball if can as i am really not suitable for netball. I cant jump high in one of the test.
Met Jia Jing and Sandra at the canteen and the four of us went up to the second storey to check out the Badminton. No girls there. I think only for boys only. However, Pei En said that this year, badminton is opened to both boys and girls. But i never go ask and, i think not many girls knew about it so, they never sign up for that or whatever. If girls can join and i joined, what if i'm the only girl? Lol.
Noreen acctually suggested that we use the coin to decide our "fate". Lol. What CCA we should choose. But i dont think its a good idea so, didn't used that method.
While Noreen was talking to Adam about drama, i think, Pei Si and me went to ask about Golf details and tried playing it. Hehe. But my mother doesn't want me to have CCA that we must pay for it so i just went for fun. Lol. Then, we also went to the Handbell booth. Wore cloth gloves and tried ringing the bells. The bells were not easy to ring. Some of them were quite big and heavy. I only rang the small ones. The girl there was like very scared that i might spoil the bell as i think i used too much strength. Haha.
At 5pm, everyone settled in the hall, waiting to sign up for their ideal CCA. I went to sign up for Choir. Chelsea also signed up for it :D Yay! Got someone from my class at least. Lol. Hehe. Noreen signed up for Drama Club while Pei Si and Chen Ting signed up for volleyball. Jia Jing joined NCDCC (:
Then, i took bus with Judy :D But alighted at different stops. She had lots of fun playing captain's ball just now. Joyce too (:
Hope i have chose the correct CCA, the HC (:
12 January 2009
There was Home Econ today. Did not start cooking or whatever. We went through all the rules and we just washed the plates, bowls, baskets and so on. We also cleaned up the cabinet and put the pans and all the others into the cabinet. We'll only be cooking on our 3rd lesson ): I wonder what are we going to cook..
There's choir audition Round 2 today. Lol. It starts at 2.30 if i had remembered clearly. Chelsea and me went to have lunch together. I had Kway Chap (: The auntie told someone to bring the sec 4s & 5s up to the hall to wait and said that all their hands cold cold. She said in a quite humorous way. Well, the sec 4s & 5s are collecting o'level results today..
Then, went to the Music Room. Then, we went down to play some games with the seniors of the HC and then we went up again, for the audition. Well, Chelsea and me got in and we're both in Soprano 2 :D At first, i thought i was Alto. Seriously, i cant sing really high.. Why am i in Sop 2? Lol.
Those that have passed the audition are advised to stay back for just one practise. Chelsea and me stayed back as we already intend to join choir. While waiting for all the other rest to be auditioned, i did my history homework. History always has a lot of homework and the teacher is damn strict der lor ): Always, when she comes to class, i feel scared for dunno what reason although i did my homework. Lol.
Then, we had vocal training (train our voices) from 4pm to 6pm. I reached home at 7pm and ate, bathe, whatever and did my homework at 8. And in the end, slept at 12 D:
13 January 2009
This morning, our principal told us about the o'level results. Well, our school standard has improved (:
In the afternoon, went to general office and took the choir schedule paper.
There's practise on this coming thursday and saturday. There will be practises almost three times a week. Mondays, Tuedays and Staturdays.
I'm not very sure if its the normal schedule as there's SYF this year. We will also get to try out sports-bowling, there's barbeque and choir is going to Australia this year. I think only the selected ones ba.
14 January 2009
Today, we had PE lesson. We did stretchings, sit ups and push ups. Firstly, we did jumping jack. Then, our teacher told us to do the stretching oursleves first. Then, we did push-ups. Its not the ordinary type of push-ups. We do it on our knees. But, our teacher say its not the girl's version. Lol. And for the sit-ups, we have to lie on the floor and raise our legs and then cross them.
Our teacher said that we do this to train our core muscles. And she said if you do this everyday, you'll gonna have 6 pacs. If i'm not wrong, she will be asking us to do that every PE lesson. She said that she had 6 pacs if i'm not wrong but cannot show us (duh..). Lol.
There was science lesson today and we went to the lab. We used the bunsen burner to boil plain water. We also used test tubes. After boiling and everything, it was time to keep all the things back. After Mandy and me kept the stuff, the sound of shattered glass was heard.
Aaron dropped a test tube! He was just sitting beside me. And, my bag was on the floor opened, near to the area where the test tube dropped. All the broken glass/plastic? pieces shattered on the floor. I think everyone looked at him. Aaron looked shocked. I checked my bag and luckily, non of those broken pieces dropped inside. Heng lor. Afterthat, Aaron swept the floor. That time at science lesson, he was being punished. We were using the bunsen burner and he acctually used his hands to clap the fire. Teacher said he was thick skinned. Lol. And Mr Lai was saying like, "what will he do next? Set the lab on fire?" Lol.
After school, i followed Joyce to Tampines to buy her school shoes (: We went to Century Square and bought them at Bata. Afterthat, we had ice-cream at Tampines Mall, Macdonalds. She had the Choco Sundae while i had the Strawberry Sundae :D Then, she send me off to the MRT station and went to wait for her father to fetch her by car (:
There will be photo taking tomorrow :D
15 January 2009
Today, we took our passport photos :D *Cheese!* Lol. Everyone wore their ties and took the photo.
There was science lesson today. We have to burn the ice cream stick and a dunno call what wire using the bunsen burner. The wire so cool, when you are burning it, it glows. Bright Orange colour. So cool lor xD
When we're having english lesson, i changed my seat as Noreen told teacher that it was too cold for her when she sit there. So, Ms Chan told her to swope places with Aaron. But, he was too tall that i think i would not be able to see the white board. So, i changed place with him. Now, i'm sitting beside Zhenni and infront of me is Joyce. Judy is just beside Joyce :D. However, Noreen is far far away ):
Ms Chan gave us a worksheet to do. And when we're doing it, she played some music. The songs were nice. It was so nice listening to the song and doing the work at the same time :D
However, if we do that almost everyday, some of us might not concentrate well when doing exams or test as there is silence; no song to hear or whatever.
16 January 2009
Got my caculator today :D Lol.
Today, i took bus, train and walked home with Pei Si. We took the second bus as the first one was so full. After reaching interchange, we were a little hungry. So, we went to 7-eleven to buy some snacks. Pei Si bought Calbee potato chips while i bought Craze Pipes. The Craze Pipes not bad but like eat a bit of air liddat. Lol. Got hole than so empty. Lol. Pei Si is heading to her mother's working place. She works at a childcare centre and as we talked on the bus, i realised that the childcare centre was damn near my house. Just a few mins walk. And i also knew more about Pei Si (: She hates frogs. Hehe.
When we reached, i went up to my house and she went to the childcare centre. I went to look for her when my mother, sister and me went down for lunch. It was nap time then. But luckily, she didn't slept too. Haha. I also saw her brother.
At about 4 plus, Pei Si called me and said she is at the playground. Haha. I saw her and also her mother :D
Next time, i can also go home with Pei Si :D Hehe.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
5th January 2009Bought new MYUK pencil case (: A black one with the design "I LEFT MY LV PENCIL CASE AT HOME" Lol.
Nothing more to blog :x
psps. lol.
6th January 2009Went school as usual this morning. The first thing we had in the morning was assembly-performing arts. Like, handbell, band, drama, choir, guitar club and indian dance. They performed and we watched. Handbell looks very intresting. Band was the cca which has the most people.
Afterthat, we had the Fitness Test. Height & Weight, Shuttle Run, Standing Board Jump and Captain's Ball. It is done to select those who are suitable to take up volleyball as their cca.
Measured height and taken weight. I've grown taller by 4cm! :D Now, i'm standing at 145cm and my weight is 33.5kg. I've grown fatter by 2kg D: Shuttle run was okay. I sucked at Standing Board Jump. Captain's ball was fun (:
Afterthat, everyone went for auditions. Drama audition, Singing audition and Rythm audition. For the drama audition, we must go in 6 by 6. Firstly, we all took turns to read a short story. Then, the teacher in charge said that "imagine you're stuck in a very dark place with only 4 walls. There's a bomb ticking away. You have to escape without a sound before the bomb explodes or else, you will all die." The 6 of us did nothing at all but smile, laugh and whispered. Lol. And i think all of us was not in for drama as the teacher did not call us.
For the singing audition, its obviously choosing people who are elligible to join the choir. Well, the teacher just played the piano and we just need to sing "La~". Lol. All the notes so high that i cant sing. The teacher said that maybe i'm ALTO.
I sucked at the rythm audition. Well, you must copy what the teacher clapped. It was so hard to remember lor. My mind was in a mess. Then i just anyhow clap. Lol.
Then we waited at somewhere for our other classmates before we go for lunch. I think almost everyone was damn hungry 'cos there's no recess. Joyce, Jia Jing, Judy and me played the shoelace game to kill time. Lol. We must pull each other's shoelace. Heh. After waiting for a while, the four of us and Noreen went to eat lunch together :D
If i'm not wrong, i had cream chicken spaghetti, Noreen and Joyce had ham & cheese omelette, Judy had chicken rice and Jia Jing had a burger. The spaghetti i had was simply delicious. Yum!
Then, we had the Team Bonding Session. We played games which need teamwork. Afterthat, we went back to class and played more games organised by our 2 counsellers, Adam and Lap Way. Games like "BANG!", Honey Honey, I Love You and True or Dare. All so fun der. I find "BANG!" most fun. The game of Honey Honey, I Love You is to tell this: "Honey Honey, I love you. Will you give me a smile?" to the opposite gender to make them smile or laugh. Once they smile or laugh, they lose. Heh ><>6 January 2009
Today, my class went to visit the old school ground which is near Katong, i think. It was the last day that the counsellers would be with us D: So, Adam gave all of us sweets and chocolates :) All of us took the bus and set off. We went to a room and someone told us about the history of SHSS. Then, we went to the dunno what and had "recess". We were given sandwhiches and packet drinks. The sandwiches so nice :D
Afterthat, everyone had a game of Treasure Hunt. Lol. We must find plastic flat circles with numbers on them. Altogether, there are 114 of them, i think. They are hiden in visible places. Noreen, Joyce, Judy, Jia Jing and some others were in my group (:
After the whole game, we found only a few. The game was seriously fun. Then, when time's up, we need to go back to the same room we entered previously and then, listen to what we have to do next. We then did a paper puzzle of a block. It is Handy Block if i'm not wrong. Then, we have to find an answer to the question given. I forget the question ler :x
In the end, the other group won. But, they are from our class :D They won a $50 Pastamania voucher. Hehe. We were given super rings (: Then, we took the bus back to school for lunch. Had lunch with the same people. Went up to the hall and some sports cca came to talk to us. Afterthat, everyone took their bags and stuff to another class which is on the second floor.Everyone changed into a new uniform and put on their ties.
Then, we had the Hildan Torch Rehersal. We rehersed for 2 times. And i think everyone was sweating alot in the hall. The hall is damn warm lor. After the rehersals, we went to the canteen to have our dinner. At the canteen, the buffet for the parents who are attending the Hildan Torch was almost ready. It looked high class. Haha. Everyone had some snacks for dinner like, a small and very chocolatey roll, triangular fried curry puff, a ham and cheese crossiant and a chocolate chip muffin or dunno what. The small and chocolatey roll is damn chocolatey that it looks a little disgusting. However, it taste really yummy :D We also had packet drinks too.
Then, we went to the hall as Aunty Jenn wants to award the a few of the groups which has the most points when playing the team bonding games. Afterthat, we all went back to our temperory classrooms. And, we were given some titbits & sweets from Aunty Jenn. The school also gave us a pen each :D
It looks like this..

The pen looks like as if it is branded. It says "Once a Hildan, Always a Hildan :D
We waited and waited and waited. Finally, it was time for our class to proceed to the hall. When we marched in, i saw my mother and sister :D After every class marched in, everyone seated and the Hildan Torch began. After everything, finally, it was the time to pass the Hildan Torch :D My candle the thingy was so nice decorated (: Hildan Torch is a ceremony to officially welcome we, the sec 1 pupils, into the Hildan family. It was really fun lighting the candles :D
Some photos..

Hildan Torch.

The counsellers singing the Welcome To The Family song :D

The other side (:

The President & Vice-President of the student counsel lighting up the sec 1 classes representative's candle.

My row :D The girl beside me is lighting up her candle (:

The candle is coming to the end of the row.

My candle :D



Welcome to the 2009 family!
Had a very long but fun & meaningful day :D
Saturday, January 3, 2009
01 January 2009A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!and..
Happy Birthday Putra :D
Went to Putra's birthday party today. Well, its held under the void deck of Putra's grandmother's house :D Many people went. There were many food. Buffet. There were also balloons hung on the walls to create the party mood. One advantage on having the party under Putra's grandmother's house the void deck was that it was just beside the playground as well as the fitness corner. So, all the little children can play there (: But the disadvantage was that it was not very windy there. No fans, i think. Then plus there's so many people and a man fanning the satay sticks. Well, fire was needed to do that. Fire gives off heat.
There were also games and a man selling ice cream. Its those kind of people that sells ice creams that is put inside a plastic cup or in between the coloured(pink & green together) bread. Haha. The saviour of the day? Hehe.
Putra had a big table of presents. *envy envy* Haha. Then it was time to sing the Happy Birthday song and to cut cake :D After dressing up, Putra came to cut the cake (: He's dressed up like a little prince. Dammn cute. Then Rahoul and dunno who came down, dressed up as clowns :D Hehe. My sister was so scared of them.
One of Putra's present was a real motorbike. A smaller version. He loves it. Heard that this kind of motorbikes cost about $500 sia. Putra kept wanting to sit on it :) Saw Putra dancing. He danced really well. Very cute lor :D
Went up to Putra's grandmother's house and it was.. WOW! Her house was so beautiful. It had a cottage look. And the toilet was simply nice. It had
pale pink light. And there was a fire place. Hehe. Of course, its fake. But it looked real. *envy envy*. Lol. Was given goodie bags and had a cup of ice cream before we went home :D
Well, enjoyed the party although i sweated a lot (:
02 January 2009Woke up at 5.30 am today and headed for school at about 6.45 am liddat. Well, i thought i'll be late. However, when i reached school, it was only around 7.30+ am. So, i still need to wait for another 20 mins or so. School starts at 7.55 am today :D
I sat at the second row at the second last seat. The table was vandalised. There was words on it. Like, "Revenge is a hell of good time" and "dilute" and there's two more words. Forgot ler :x Hope i'll have new tables. And, my classroom is air conditioned due to the location that it is at; its near the construction site. But i'm afraid if i am too tired, the air-con might make me too comfortable that i'm gonna sleep. Zzz. Haha.
My form teacher is Ms Chan HuiYi and my assistant form teacher is Mr Lee. Ms Chan came and then we went to the courtyard for the morning assembly. Went back to class and everyone introduced themselves. Halfway, two sec 3 counsellers came to my class. One of them is called Adam. He's very funny. I think everyone likes him. He makes one laugh :D He has a twin brother called Daniel. Adam and Daniel. Haha. My mother once had 2 students named that too. They were also twins. So, i was wondering are they the ones. Heh. Another one is.. forgot ler :x Paisehh uhh.. But it rymes with Subway. I think more than half of the class are from St.Hilda's Pri. Ms Chan introduced herself too. Well, she's soon no more Ms Chan but Mrs dunno what. Yea, she's getting married :D
Went to the canteen for recess ALONE :( Queued up for chicken rice. Some older boys cut queue. But nvm lor, let them cut or else, who knows the consequences? If you tell teacher or whatever, maybe the boys will come to find you and you're dead meat. Lol. Went to a table and ate ALONE ): Missed the times i ate together with my Changkat friends!!! I ate only a few mouth then returned back the utensils. No appetite lor. No friends what D: Then whats more, the rice so dry.. Maybe some of you might be wondering how much does it costs, well, its $1.20.
Went back to class and played games organized by the counsellers. We played quite a number of games together. Most of them was new to me :D
Played games like..
#1 Wacko
#2 Duck Duck Goose
#3 Monkey King
#4 Blow wind blow
#5 Who's the Mother Cow?
#6 M-R-T
#7 Where's the peanut?
#8 Crossing the 10 "stones"
#9 Bomb
Well, i find #8 most fun and challenging. During some games, i smiled to some of my classmates when they look at me or vice versa. Heehee :D
Then, it was lunch time. Again, no friends so no appetite D: Went to vending machine and bought a can drink. Then, when i was sitting down, drinking, somebody sat behind me. Right behind me i think. Then i moved one side so she could enjoy the "scenery". Haha. Then she tapped on my shoulder. Then we started a conversation :D Finally, got someone to talk to (: I was really happy. She was also having a can drink. Hehe. Her name is Joyce. After finishing our drinks, we walked around the school together, talking and looking around the school :D
Afterthat, we went to the hall together. We sitted together :D We had the orientation briefing and also the CCA briefing(UG).
Went to the auditorium for a talk by the school counsellers about the student council and school rules. Unluckily, something was wrong with the computer system. So for the whole time, we only played 2 games and recite the school code. Then we went to learn the 7 cheers. And toured around the school. Then we had a briefing on the Hildan Torch. We also watched a clip on lasts year's Hildan torch.
Afterthat, Mr Sharyl came to guide us on singing the school song and school hymn. Was very tired then. And very hungry too. Mr Sharyl then asked us to stand up and turn to squeeze the shoulder of the person that is beside you. Well, that really made me more energetic. If not for that, i think i'll most probably dozed off already. It was really very tired lor. Talked to 2 malay girls too. They sounded friendly :D From morning till evening time, and havent had dinner so no energy. Had a school song singing competition. The loudest class will go for dinner first. Well, 1B and 1H won.
Then, we went to the canteen. And then we did the hungry cheer. Well, i find it very special. Chinese were given mix rice while Malays had a packet of chicken chop. And, everyone had a packet of peach tea each.
After eating, everyone went to their respective places for the talk: "Teens, wanna be cool!" Haha. Girls went to the library :D Well, there was this girl in my class. Through one of her actions, i could feel that she's a very caring person. But, i dunno her name :x It'll be very glad to have her as my friend :D
After the talk, it was about 9.30 pm already. Gave me email to Joyce and met my parents, brother and sister at the canteen. While walking out of the school, i told my mother about Adam and my mother said he was her student that she had last time. She saw him when meeting my form teacher. What a coincidence. They haven't had dinner yet so, we went to the coffee shop near the school. I did not eat. Was so full ler. And so tired. I just want my bed!
I then knew that my parents went to change my Op bag to this

I like the design but not the colour :x I did not buy that that time 'cos my mother thinks its too small.

Saw the red circled thingy? Well, i find it so rare to have them on Op bags. Hehe.
And, yesterday, my father went to buy a Hayrer bag. Reason being? The bag has air stripes and also it can match my uniform. But i didn't like the design. So they went to change for this

The net net thingy is the air stripes :D
Went home, bathed, ate cup noodles and then slept. Wow. It was very rare(is using rare the correct word? I think it sounds wierd lae.) that i dozed off very quickly after lying on the bed i think. Haha.
A very tiring day indeed. What's more, on monday, i'll be going home at 6 pm and on tuesday, i'll be going home at 9 pm. Will try to blog about those two days :D