Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My School (:

6B`08 <3

Lol, just some random pics. haha :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TERRYIN/CHIOBU!!may all your wishes come true and get lotsa pressie :D
H A I X . H A I X .
Went to see doctor today to take the "Anti-hfmd" cert or whatever. My mother, sister and bro went too. haha. Saddly, the doctor gave me 2 more days of mc -.- Sian. But i got the "Anti-hfmd" cert or whatever already. Unluckily, my sister also got the hfmd. And my bro is a suspect case. Lol. He tomorrow still need go doctor check.
The 2 more days of mc was for me to be
fully recovered although i feel very okayy now. Lol. There's gonna be a mountain of homework for me once i go back school :( Stay at home everyday, no school, i become more slack lorh. Haix. Exams coming somemore.
The "Anti-hfmd" cert or whatever costs $5 siol. I thought it'll be free of charge. Wth -.- Just a letter that says i have no more symptoms of hfmd..
Choir is doing singsparation tomorrow.. So sad lah, i cannot go. Sian. Roar. I miss my Ahma and friends and seniors. Lol. And i'm gonna miss Sports Day tomorrow. AHHH!!! Joyce told me that it is on tomorrow. So sudden. And i'm gonna miss the history test, the new history techniques/skills or dunno what. Lol. Sian lah.
Tagboard replies.newest>oldest.Sharmain(:: OMG! Can't believe she in netball. No offence luh. Wth..` I also had the same reaction as you. haha.
Joyce: tagged btw.hahahahahah love ya lao po` thankks for the tag. loveyou too, laogong <3
Joyce: ohohoh me and owen not fated k!!!!!=.=` whatever. you two ARE fated. haha.
JUDEH!!: tagged yah again (:` thankks for the tag (:
queenie: can can .. i link u le` Okayy. linked you too. thankks (:
peisi: hey joanne!!! tagged! :D` heyys. thankks for the tag (:
`Zhenniii~: Joanne , get well soon okayys ? LaoPo !!!!` Okayy, LAOGONG!! haha. thankks.
peien: hi nu to tag.....lols` hello, Daddee. You finally tagged me. Tag me more!!
FELICIA: HELLO! Feel free to link (: cool Skin :D hahas. Link you soon (:` hihi (: thankks. okayy, linked :D
JUDEH!!: helohs! tagged! tag me back(:` hello! thankks for the tag. Sure :D
hazel: ji joanne lao po!! taggies XD haha!how shss?^^` hello! Hazel Laogong <3 SHSS rockks. haha. soso larhs :D haha. what about CCSS? heehee.
peisi: heyys my dear lao gong!!!!` Heyys! My dearest honey. Lol. <3
JUDEH!!: hellohs joanne!(:` hello! Nuer!! <3
Joyce: yupyupyupyupyupyupyup.the lil miss whoops is ser=D and yes judy let down her bangs and hi laopo!=D` hello, honey! haha. :D
Sharmain(:: Hello Joanne!(:` Hello Sharmain!(:
hanis: hie joanne! =D link me horr..hahas` hello Hanis! linked :D
Joyce: aiyo faster recover!!if not cant eat choco!haah...=D` hi Joyce :D okayy (: haha.
cute lil boii: nice songs....anyways, tagged!!! XD` thankks. lol. thankks for your tag too. haha :D
JUDEH!!: hellohs tagged (: how's SYF? :D` hihi (: thankks for the tag. erm, see my post. haha (:
jiajing: hello ...i have the face bread toy..........i didnt no bout the cancer thing.......haha` hello! Ohic. haha, now you know :D
hazel-jo: hey i had one fo de bread remeber?` heyys! Yepp :D haha.
clarissa: ooops didn't see the link box.. sry. TAGGED XD` nehhmind :D haha. thankks for the tag.
clarissa: omg those bread thingys look gooood. LINK ME ASOOOO i've linked u alr :DD` haha, ask SB buy for you :D linked. thankks :D
JUNTING: Eeee, that bread stinks lor :l` haha. okayy okayy larh :D
gemmel: NI MEI YOU ``` =D` mao. haha.
gemmel: lol i got one of tat bread thing my fren giv de. waste of money coz it captures ur attention for like 3seconds -.-` oo. haha. whose that friend? ^^ valentine day pressie. Lol.
gemmel: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee` my Ahma sot diao lerh. haha. jkjk.
peisi: lao gong! faster update lar! if not i spam k?` hi, darling. update lerh. you spam, i wack your butt. haha.
JUDEH!!: HELLOHS jojo!<3 <3 why nv post today??? i posted a video u noe! :)` i dunno why. haha. i know :D i saw it. haha.
Joyce: =D` :D :) :p :o :l haha.
Joyce: haha tagged` thankks for your tagg :D
Joyce: reply leh!!!!!always nva reply=.=` haha. now i replied. you also mah. haha.
cute lil boii: why you ppl can always hang uot until so late??? not fair...'` i dunno why. Lol. haha. your mom dont allow ahh?
peisi: joanne tagged!!! see? so many ppl tag you leh... hehe` thankks for your tag. yeaa, haha. call drus tag me lae. haha. :D
marianne: the bread things are like supposed to have a smell, right? i fell for it for a split second. :D :D` yepp. haha. same here. :D
Joyce: haha same Judy!lol...i love the donuts!!!!!oooh..irresistable` eat it! Lol. Ask Owen buy for you.
JUDEH!!: haha see before at minitoons i always touch and squish them XD` haha. Squishy. (:
Joyce: tagged!love u too laopo=D` thankks for the tag! loveyou too, laogong.
JUDEH!!: :) :)` :D :D haha.
JUDEH!!: thanks fer tagging (:` np (: haha.
Joyce: woo!` WOO~ lol.
linming: tagged you noob` you then noob larh. haha. ty for the tag anyways. (:
jiajing: erm.hi` hello! :D
Joyce: cool.ur sis name Jozanne.=D` haha. :D
Joyce: really?cher wil minus points cause chao da meh?mine the egg behind all burnt sia..bu luckily the infront dun hav..haha den i show cher infront.she nva check behind=D` Dunno laes. You heng lorh. haha. Naughty girl..
peisi: kay las.... hehe... good for you las. get to go... i got stucked with that you know who....` yepp. haha.
linming: where got` have lorh. :D
marianne: oh my goodness, where's the art musuem?? it's seriously pretty.` it's somewhere at Chinatown/Clarke Quay area. haha (:
gemmel: YOYO MY CHIO BU GRAND DAUGHTER =D` you then chiobu larh. you chiobu AHMA! haha.
Joyce: ooooh...egg.` eggy :D
There was Chinese LC today. Quite okayy la. However, it was totally different from primary school type. The OAS was not circle one sia. Is small rectangles. Very diaox. And, in primary school, the LC goes like this: Passage, Questions, Passage. And in secondary school, it is: Passage, Questions, All the passages, Repeat of passages. Lol. Got advantage ans disadvantage lahs. I didnt know so i really got a shock after the first passage.
And wierdly, right after the LC, papers were collected except for the question paper and we actually marked it. Lol. Heng sia, i pass. I got 16/20 :D 2 questions wrong. Sadds.
There is so much homework for this weekend. Haix. Haix. Haix.
After school, Peisi and me stayed back to do the common test-comprehension as we didnt came to school on 21st April. It was not as difficult as the previous one. Halfway then, Mrs Chan came to me and asked me to go home straight away and see a doctor after the test and forget about the Council interview as she suspect that i have hfmd. Lol.
After putting the worksheet into her pigeon hole, did as told and went back to the same clinic. Lol. Doctor check already and said that i have hfmd. But it was not really hfmd. It was smthg like hfmd. It's called dunno what start with letter H ders. But we just say that it is hfmd. Lol. So confusing.
And i was given mc from today to monday. Haix. This month so suay larh. I dont want 1F to kena quaritine or dunno what, like the 1A. I dont want 1F to the dnt void deck for morning assembly cos of me lah :( They sure hate me to the core one lorh. Sian. But also not i want to get hfmd also, who want get sia.
I went to check is cos my mother was afraid i get hmfd cos there are a few cases in SHSS. Lol. If there aint cases in SHSS, who know sia, maybe i also dunno i get hfmd. And my mother was saying, if this was the case, it means that maybe, some people dont know that they got hfmd. They just thought that it was purely throat infection, some ulcers, fever and thats it. And she was saying if it was like this, maybe a classmate of mine had it unknowingly and it spreaded to me. Walao, how dangerous can this be sia. Wth. haha.
So far, only some people know. Lol. And i was so tired (i tink) that when i was messaging Joyce, i suddenly dozed off. Lol. It was arounf 6.45pm then. And i sleep sleep sleep. Sleep till 11pm sia. Wth. Waste my time. I would have done most of my homework already.. Haix. I was sleeping unknowingly. LOL.
On Monday, i still have to go back to the doctor and get a dunno what thingy so that i can go to school on tues. Is smthg like a Anti-Hfmd thingy. Lol.
kk, byebye. :D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today, i returned to school :D
However, Peisi didnt came. She mc for 2 days. Lol. After school, there was a choir meeting. It was a meeting to select people for a particular position. haha. Afterthat, Khalysha and me went to meet Peisi to pass her her homework. We met at Macdonalds :D
While waiting for Peisi, we bought things to eat first. Khalysha bought a Mudpie McFlurry or dunno what. And i bought a fillet-o-fish burger alacarte. The student meal was cheaper but i cannot eat fries and drink coke. Sadds la. I love their fries. :D
Peisi came and she looked fine. haha. Then she went to buy same as me too. I passed her the homework and Owen came. He so kp lah, ask Peisi 2 times why she never go school. No wonder Joyce *AhemAhem*. I'll better say, in a good way, Owen "cares" for his classmate. LOL. In case wait Joyce angry. ._. Walao, then he go call Khalysha what, Animal. Lol. Then Peisi call him reptile.
After a while, Amelia, Allyah and Suaidah came (: Followed by Joselyn, Jervina, Terrence, Clarissa and Felicia. Jervina left halfway in a hurry. We went to sit with them and started doing homework and blahblahblah.
Then we went home. Lol. Nthg else to blog about lerh.
I did not go to school today. SADDS. :(
Oh yah, Peisi also didnt went to school as she have fever.
Cos i needed to see the doctor. Lol. Went to the clinic at the Mrt station there one. And yeaa, just as i had expected, i had throat infection. And there were ulcers in my throat. I can see them by my own. haha. When i swallow smthg, it's damn pain lorh, like got cat scratch your throat the inside liddat. LOL.
And the most horrible thing is that, I HAVE TO SWALLOW PILLS/TABLETS. Wth. I hate it las. The antibiotics pills/tablets is so big okayy.. It's my number one hatred now. Pills/Tablets, i hate you to the core. Lol. I know it's very lame ._.
Today cannot go school. So sian.. I want to go to school lahs!
Whats more, there's common test-comprehension today lorh. And i missed it. Haix.
Sadds. D:
Now i have no more fever. :D
There was no lessons for the Chorians. Lol, sounds wierd. Cos there is SYF today. Yesterday i had fever D: Peisi too. So suay. However, the fever was gone this morning and hence, i went to school. Reached school, slacked at class and then Peisi and me went to the music room. Omg, alot of Chorians are sick. Esp. having sore throat. Qian Ying's voice was super
SEXY. Lol. I also had a sore throat. So cham las. HAIX.
Then after a check on our costumes, stockings, socks and shoes, we had an early recess. Damn early recess sia. haha. Afterthat, everyone wrote 'love letters' for our dearest LaoBanNiang-Joselyn as today was her last day :(
Dearest Joselyn,
You're a Great Senior to me.
You're a Great LaoBanNiang :D
Thankks for the great care you have given us.
I will not forget you. I will miss you lots!!
All the best for your O'level examinations.
Must come back to see us after you graduate hor (:
W.lotsa love,
Joanne :D
Then, Miss Yew came and we sang some songs for her. She also prayed for us. We had to hold hands somemore. haha. Then we started the Movie Marathon. Peisi and me were really sick then. Was fevering. LOL. I brought a temperature along with me to school today and my temp was 39.3. Actually, it was higher but halfway, when it was 39.3 i go remove. Lol. Dunno why.
Then our dearest Seniors, Jervina and Corliss brought us to the Sick Bay. haha. We refused but we went. I was really running a high fever but seriously, i felt okayy. Peisi was better than me but i was more enthu then her. Very the wierd. haha.
Stayed at the Sick Bay for half an hour. So sian. We shared a bed as the other bed had some clothing and stuff. Lol. My laopo and i shared the same bed. LOL. haha, you people, dont think sick.
Then we went back the music room and watched a little of the movie. It was hilarious and nice. And then we went for lunch :D Saddly, no appetite. But ate a yam bun for the sake of eating a panadol. Lol. I hate panadols. I hate anything that is a PILL/TABLET!! They suck!
Afterthat, we changed into our new designed dresses, court shoes, stockings, put on make up and
bun up our hair. I hate it that we have to bun up our hair :( So ugly.. Like an old grandmother. Ms Tan's friends helped us to put on make up (: My senior's senior also helped out with the make up :D
Then we sang for a few times and headed for VCH. As we walked to the bus, Marianne saw us and she was like so exagerating. haha. She was there wowing and wowing. haha, she look so cute with her bangs!
Sat with Peisi on the bus (: Met Mrs Soh there and blahblahblah. We waited at the dunno where for our turn. And Mr Shahril was like trying to make us laugh. Perhaps, he was trying to make us feel less nervous. And we were crab walking for fun. haha. So funny. Mr Shahril so cute las.
It was then our turn. So nervous. Lol. I felt so cold at that time. Think my temp went up at that time. Lol. I tried my very best to smile as much as i could. haha. It passed very quickly and it was time we walked off the stage. And omg, Mr Shahril left by the wrong way. haha.
Then we went to sit down to wait for the results. I was sitting with Khalysha :D And we were so nervous when the lady mentioned "number 83, St. Hilda's Secondary School.."
And we got a.. *drumroll..*
WE GOT A BRONZE :DWoots~ haha. We shouted so happily and shouted ALL HAIL. Lol. Then we also sang a birthday song to Cherlyn. I was happy with it but i think that there was room for improvement though.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHERLYN! :DWe bused back to school and Mrs Soh announced that today was the last day that she would be with us and she
cried. But never mind las, next time can come and see us again mah (: Lol.
Afterthat, we had the potluck dinner :D There was pizzas, noodles, drinks, chicken wings, drumlets, chocolates, marshmellows, eclaires and nuggets (: Think thats all. They were all so yummy :D Thankks to those who bought them :D
Lastly, thankks to everyone who helped out, etc. & also those who prayed for us :D Thank You!
There was PRSS exchange programme today.
Went to their school and i just love their school. Actually, i wanted to enter PRSS ders.. Lol. Saw my ex-classmate, Yi Jane. She was having her netball training. haha. After a while, Mr Shahril came and told us that he decided to get some earrings for us. The girls of course. Lol. Crystal, dangling ones. Sounds nice.
PRSS actually had a cat roaming around in their school sia. A white cat. haha. It was lying down outside the general office. We then went to the CO room and start our warm ups and sang a few songs. Their CO room rockks. They can deco. the room. How i wish we could too.
Then we went up to their choir room i tink. PRSS choir was in their costumes. Their costumes were nicer than ours. haha. The room was big and there were chairs. Not those normal chairs but those in the cinema. Smthg liddat. We sang for them first and then it was their turn.
They sang really nice. Some of them were nodding their heads and swaying a little to the music. And they were loud. They were a GOLD choir. So pro. haha. How i wish SHSS choir were like them (:
They also gave us a huge encouraging card. We like so paisehh, they give us we never give them. haha. GOOD LUCK FOR PRSS's SYF too :D
Afterthat, we went back to school and on the way, we bought packed lunch. I bought a packet of mixed rice. My Ahma also (: And i went to 7-eleven to buy Slurpee :D Corliss got scolded. The Staff also very what lorh. Not totally her fault mah. Lol. If really, she could just tell her not to do it again next time.
H A I X .
Went back school and started singing again. Lalalalalalalala~ Then it was luch time :D After lunch, two other conductors came to the music room to hear us sing. And you know what they said? They said that SHSS Choir might get a SILVER! A SILVER!! OMGOMG.haha. But even if we degrade a lil during the real performance, we might at least get a Bronze. At least better than getting a cop rite? hehe. Hope that we wont be too complacent after knowing this piece of good news. :D
Hope that SHSS Choir will get a SILVER :D
Hope that non of us would have stage fright.
Hope that all of us get our notes right.
Hope that all of us make use of what Ms Teo taught us.
Hope that all of us would try to SMILE. haha.
Hope that we would perform our "stunts".
Hope that
Hope that we would make Mr Shahril and Joselyn proud :D
Choir ended at about 4pm yesterday. And we were very late for swimming. We hurriedly changed into our swimsuits and uniforms right after choir at school and took a bus there. We chiong like siao. LOL. Not to that extend las. Took bus with Peisi, Queenie, Norahzah and Chelsea.
Reached the swimming complex and took attendance. And i saw my coach. And my swimming mates were playing at the baby pool there. So good las, got slide all that. WALAO, then my coach say swimming lesson over already, cannot take test lerh. Wth -.-
But he said he just took the previous lesson as the test and obviously, i failed las. WALAO, not fair lorh. But nehhmind las. Haha. Then i went to change into homeclothes all that.
Afterthat, Zhenni, Amelia, Joyce, Peisi and me went to eat at the tuckshop inside the swimming complex as usual. Had green tea, chicken wings and dunno what. Forget lerh. LOL. :D
Joyce, Peisi and me then waved goodbye to Amelia and Zhenni and we headed off to TAMPINES 1 :D to shop around and to cut hair! Woots~
Went to various shops and ther were so many cute cute stuff. And we played the
Fashion Game. haha. I invented it. LOL. We saw Veena and her friends (: haha. And there was a funny introduction by Veena :D
Tampines 1 was not as crowded like the last time i went with Joyce :D Joyce and me were like the tourguides for Peisi. LOL. During shopping, we met Owen for 3 times. Joyce and Owen were really so fated to meet each other. It was not on purpose. Seriously. haha. Peisi and me kept teasing Joyce. haha. And once, Peisi and me went up the escalator, and Owen came down. We were like, wth -.- haha. Oh yah, Owen's mum so chio, so young. Lol. Peisi had the same thinking as me too.
Then we went to basement to buy bbt (: I had the Fantasy Ice blended. Peisi, lychee ice blended. Joyce, mocha ice blended i tink. LOL. Then we went to HAIR CLUB and cut our hair :D It's a $10 haircut. WALAO, Tamp 1 the basement so laoya. Cannot make calls one. Very diao lorh.
Peisi cut her hair first followed by Joyce and me. LOL. Then, we went to the toilet to adjust our hair and see see the toilet. LOL. The toilet bowl not bad ._. Afterthat, we went outside the mall and snapped some pics (: Sone pics at Joyce phone and Peisi's. Then we waved goodbye and hugged. haha. Peisi poor thing, go home alone. At least i have Joyce take mrt with me :D We also took pics in the mrt. haha. We then hugged and i alighted :(

Me&Joyce :D ilovethispic <3

Laogong&me <3

Laogong&Laopo <3
Had a fun day today :D
hello, earthlings.
Did you watch the news today? The one about those
SQUISHY TOY BREAD. LOL. hahas :D I think the ones on the news were the Breadou breads if i aint wrong. Seen it before? No? Pictures here.

They really look cute, nice, yummy?, quite real if you see them selling in shops. There's one at Tampines 1, at Action City :D
The news said that these breads have a cancer-causing ingredient. I was like, OMG. And they said that after touching them, we have to wash our hands otherwise it would be a dangerous thing if you put your fingers into your mouth.
And yesterday, Joyce, Peisi and me just went to Action City and took a look at those cute little bread. o.o haha.
LOL. haha.
Home econs practical test was okayy today. My marks flew away cos my egg was just
a little burnt. -.-
And blahblahblah. LOL.
Did the SKIT during CME. SO FUN!! haha. Some parts we were like sotong liddat. hehe. :D I want do again las!
Joyce gave me an Easter Day card :D And a chocolate egg too :D THANKK YOU, LAOGONG!
aisini <3
During choir, i was to replace Terrence in a performance where only 25 ppl were allowed to go. Terrence was sick thats why he was unable to come to school. We were to wear our ties when we perform :D ilovemytie (: haha.
We took a bus to the art museum? which was at chinatown/clarke quay there. It was a building which has many colourful windows (: On the bus, Mr Shahril gave us lozenges (: So nice & so nice of him. haha.

The place :D
The place was so big. The ceiling was so damn freaking high up. Very nice :D We practiced our singing first for a few times. Actually we did not want to perform Arirang as it was *ahem* but the MC said out the song name already. Hence, we performed the 3 songs, On Suri Sunrantas, Dancing Song and Arirang. Our singing was quite okayy with the exception of Arirang :( Yuqi sang very nice for the solo part :D
The crowd were not sitting sia. They were all standing up. After we took a bow and were about to leave the stage (we left row by row, i was the last person), an audience who was standing beside me smiled at me and then shooked my hand and the coversation went like this..
A: Well done. You all are taking part in the syf next week right?
M: Err, yah.
A: It's next Monday right?
M: Erm, it's on the 20th.
A: Oh. yah.. it's a monday.
M: Yeaa..
A: (some encouragement words. i forgot liao. Haix.)
M: Thank you.
And i left. Lol. haha. I wasn't sure that if syf was on next monday sia.. very diaox -.- So i just said it would be on the 20th. So paisehh las. When he shook my hand, i was shocked. Lol.
Afterthat, blahblahblahblahblahblah. LOL ._.
Then we went to have refreshments :D There was a buffet. THE FOOD DAMN FREAKING NICE LAS. ESP THE ECLAIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want moreee!!! Lol. There was a wide spread of food. There was carrot cake, bee hoon, fried chicken wings, potato salad, siew mai, fruit tarts, sandwiches, ECLAIRE!!, triangular curry puff and drinks. THE FOOD VERY NICE las :D I'll rate the buffet 9.5/10. hehe.
So high class one. Lol. I had like 3-5 rounds :D hahas. The eclaire rockks la. Super nice. There's chocolate outside and custard inside :D Yum. I had 4-5 of it. haha. Afterthat we went back to school. haha. The buffet rockks. Lol.
:D :D
QUIZ.01. Who was your last text from?
02. Where was your last picture taken?
`Tampines 1 shopping mall :D
03. Your relationship status?
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
05. What is your current mood?
06. How many siblings do you have?
`Two (:
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
`Jonathan & Jozanne :D
08. Where do you wish you were right now?
`In bed.
09. Have a crazy side?
10. Ever had a near death experience?
11. Something you do a lot?
`breathe. Haha, i know its lame ._.
12. Angry at anyone?
`currently no.
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
`Shyness? LOL.
14. When was the last time you cried?
`Forgotten. I've got stm.
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?
`If i would wake up on time for school the next morning.
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
18. What is your favorite song?
`currently, Love Story
-Taylor Swift.
19. What are you doing right now?
`Thinking, typing, breathing.
20. Who do you trust right now?
`no idea.
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
`from one of my aunts.
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
`Yepp. My 2+ years old sister :D
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
24. Describe your life in one word?
25. Who are you thinking of right now?
26. What should you be doing right now?
28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
`My father.
30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
31. What is your natural hair color?
`Blackkish brown?
32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
34. What do you hear now?
`The engine of a motorbike.
35. Is your hair curly or straight?
`curly i tink. It suckks.
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
`i dont tink so.
37. Do you have a best friend?
`YES. :D
38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
41. Are you happy with life right now?
42. Are you currently jealous?
`YES! I'm jealous of ppl who own a crumpler bag!!
43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
`earrings? LOL.
44. What were you doing on Friday night?
`Blogging, i tink.
45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
`I dunno.
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
`err, nope.
48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
`1am. I was completing my home econs homework. haha.
50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
`Nope. If it's like, yes.
Tag 10 people to do this quiz.
:D :D
I've told you my 50 little secrets so tell me yours. :D
(feel free to do this quiz.)
There's home econs test tmr! Practical. We had to prepare a breakfast
meal. Actually i wanted to prepare an egg sandwich. However, the other group said that if we prepare snadwich, we would have very little points. So i decided to make an omelette meal (:
MY RECIPE.{main dish.}
2 eggs.
6-7 buttoned mushrooms.
1/2 tomato.
1 teaspoon oil.
pinch of salt.
pinch of pepper.
{side dish.}
1 slice of wholemeal bread.
1 slice of cheese.
1 cherry tomato.
2 raisins.
1/2 tomato.
I tried to make my breakfast meal at home today (: I only made the main dish. haha. Well, it was fun frying the ingredients esp. flipping the egg (: My marmee cooked first for me to see and then its my turn. haha. Chopping was fun. Cracking was fun. Slicing was fun. LOL ._. Cooking is fun (:
The omelette my marmee made. Or should i say the scrambled eggs? Lol. She didn't manage to flip it. It tore. Lol. And she just stirred it and scrambled eggs appeared. LOL ._.
My Omelette (:
A closer look :D
Ohh, the plate suckk. Spoil my photo. H A I X . hahas. My omelette tasted okay-okay lorh. But burnt a little. But i like (: My bro too. The omelette tasted sour sour. Lol. Cos of the tomato. But nice. haha. YAY, i managed to have a quite sucessful omelette. Lol. (:
Good luck to everyone tmr!
tagboard replies.Joyce: i love ur screensaver=Djoyce` oh, haha. same here (: Lols.
syaakiirahh♥: ello!im practically tagging evribodii:]syaakiirahh` oh then, thnx!
gemmel: LOL it's rebond hair not rebound hair xD how do u bind ur hair x.xgemmel` hi maomao. oh okayy. cos i saw at a banner or poster or whatever then they spell it as rebound. what's bind?
marianne: ewies! i hate those 'don't click here' things. AND HIGH-FIVE! YOU LIKE POKER FACE AND JUST DANCE!!!!marianne` you clicked it on purpose or got tricked? hehe, yeaa, it's irratating. *FIVE!* haha. :D
peisi: hey girl! i think your new blogskin nicer. :)peisi` hey laopo da ren! oh, thankks (:
JUDY!: heylos ;Djudy` hilos. hehe (:
Sharmain(:: Ohya, btw, thanks for last night!(:sharmain` oh, no prob. (:
Sharmain(:: WAH!!! Joanne sure happy worhs.sharmain` yah. i so happy worhh! lols.
hazel: haha .. woots~ shane tok tagged you laeshazel` haha.
Joyce: laopo tagged!=D thx for the little biscuits=Djoyce` hi laogong! np (:
Shane Tok: yo lolshane` yo. ty for the tag :D
peisi: lao gong!!!! you arh.... trying to break record of the " Most Not Replied" award for cbox isit? update and reply tags leh.peisi` yepp. and i got the award! YAY! lols ._. kk.
JERVINA: hey, CHECK THIS OUT ~:nuts:jervina` hehe, my cbox dont have. hah. (:
Joyce: =Djoyce` :) :D haha.
Joyce: harlo?dou even check ur tagboard???!!!!joyce` hello. haha. got check but lazy reply. haha.
Sharmain xD: Hello(:sharmain` hi. (:
alexia: gah - HELLO :Dalexia` HIIEES (:
JUDY!: LOL i din realise we got the same song-_-" u dont mind right? ;)judy` of course i wont mind, i just hope that you wouldn't mind either (: hehe.
JUDY!: heylo :)judy` HELLO! :D
gemmel: i noe y u upd8 so slow. coz u cuttin ur MAO. =DDDDDDgemmel` how you know ah? yah lorh, the mao so hard to cut. the mao too strong and hard. haha. can poke you until you bleed. hehe.
gemmel: IM BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDgemmel` o.o at least better than busy with hwk..
hazel: lol joanne got alot of lao po nehx!! haha:D
hazel` hehe, i got only 1 laopo what. haha, go see my checklist (:
Joyce: Laopo!tagged=)wow i dint noe u all hav to stand so apart de..joyce` yeaa. cos the esplanade concert hall is super damn big. :D
Sharmain xD: Haha, hello(:sharmain` oh, hello (:
terryin: CHIOBU soo long nvr see my tagged hor hahah psps ah lately lazyy plus a little busy :D chionging punishment hahah[not my punishment hahah] anyways tagged me too k!!!! luv ya CHIOBU!!!terryin` you so helpful (: YOU THIS CHIOBU.
hazel: my blog can tag laes why><.hazel` i dunno.. sorreh.
Laura: hi! im peisi/natasha/marianne's friend! the one who called you cute! haha. tagged. laura` hello! yeaa, i know who're you. the one with th SEXY legs rite? hehe.
gemmel: lol u v seldom upd8!! mym!gemmel` busy with choir and hwk. :(
syaakiirahh♥: RELIINK!yeahs?syaakiirahh` sure! :D
Joyce: tagged!remember to tag me back k?=Djoyce` okayy! :D
Woah. Finally finished the replies. So many of them. haha. what a long post on tagboard replies. LOL ._.
and a
YENPING-sunnu too.
may all your wishes come true and get lotsa pressie.
(02/04)&(09/04) respectively.imissyoutwo..
haha >.<
no school.
Went out to have lunch and shop with my marmee, bro and sister. We ate at Eatzi (:
I had Crumbed Fillet of Fish with Lychee Sauce. Lol. I had the set one so there was also a drink and dessert. I ordered a coke which had to pay an additional dollar for it as the original drink in the set was either coffee or tea. The dessert was fruits and
small little cubes of jelly today. No ice-cream. Sadds :( There was also garlic bread and milestone soup.
The main dish was okayokay. The lychee sauce was not very tasty unlike what i expected it to be. And there was just a little bit. haha. There was even a lychee. haha. In total, it costs $8.90+$1. haha. We ate until damn freaking full. haha. Then went to walk around. Saw JHo outside Japan Home. He was sitting on a chair. haha. He looked very little pale and so emo. Lol. I think he didn't saw me although i walked right past him. LOL. Nowadays, i hardly see changkateers in ep.. Sadds. Why ah?
After the sumptuos meal, we went to Expo for the John Little Sale. I dont really like to go to these places where there would be lots and lots of people pushing and squeezing each other. haha. Bought quite many things. Some stuff were so cute and cheeaapp larhs. haha.
Afterthat, it was time to make payment. And it was like, ZOMG. The queue was
damn damn damn freaking looonnnnnngg. Saw Allyah (correct spelling?) and her Daddee and Marmee? hehe. They were in the queue. Wonder how long did she queued. Confirm sure got a lot of people queue for hours one. haha. The queue was so long that my marmee didn't want to join it. And hence, she left the bag of goods at the service counter, other day then go back take and pay. haha.
Bought candy floss. Yum. haha. And then we went home. haha.
Tomorrow is Good Friday.
During recess time, we were given goodies. hehe. I got a yummy tuna pie(?) and a mango! *thumbs upp*. The mango so nice. First time eating these kind of mango. Sweet. However, i didn't manage to finish it. Sadds! Cos recess was going to end and the next lesson was History. If late for it, must do punisment one.. Sian.
I got nominated to be a student councillor. Chenting go nominate me de. H A I X . Now my mind so confused. If i pass the interview, (which i think i sure cannot pass one la) and become a junior councillor, sure very busy, stress and tiring one.. But the teacher in charge said that if we pass the interview, they would let us try out first then if we cannot cope, we can quit. However, another thing was that there would be CCA(?) CIP(?) points.. which i really want. haha, i so greedy.
Afterthat, there was swimming (: -yay, i finally like swimming abit. Lol ._. Swimming ended early as it rained. Aww.. Haha, went to tale a shower and change and then stayed back with Amelia, Joyce and Zhenni (:
Bought snacks at the tuckshop or dunno what and ate there. I bought fishball, doritos, ice lemon tea and sushi. haha, i going to become fat liao. We chatted and blahblahblah. So fun. Then we discussed about the cme stuff. I group with Amelia, Joyce and Judy :D Halfway then, Zhenni had to leave first. haha. Finally at about 8pm, we finished the cme skit script. Then it was photo taking time! Woots~ Lol. We took many photos with Joyce's handphone. haha. I like this photo most (:

My LaoGong and I <3
haha. After snapping pics, Joyce and I went to the new shopping mall (: Amelia cant go so she went home.. Sadds. The new mall was called Tampines 1. The name not very nice. The mall was so
damn damn damn crowded. And the mall was big. There were quite a number of shops which i never see before. haha. Some shop names were quite funny or special. hehe. Most of the things sold there were so expensive. haha.
We went up to almost all the levels. And some shops sells cute stuff. haha. We went up to the rooftop too. The view was not very nice as there was nothing to see. Overall, Tampines 1 was like Vivo city. Lol. Oh ya, and the whole escalator was packed with so many people. haha. And also, Joyce and I wanted to go and see the toilet. haha, we so bo liao. But we just cant seem to find it lae.. There's still lots of things but lazy say.
Afterthat, i had to go home and joyce followed me to the mrt station as she also need to meet up with her sister. Her sister so chio, like her. haha. And we hugged like usual and waved goodbye. haha, had a great time shopping with my laogong (:
LaoGong, aisini. haha.
H A I X .
it's time i update my blog.
so busy larh, with choir and hwk (:
today finally a day without hwk.
lazy updatee today.
tmr then updatee ba.
okayy, i know i very lame ._.
Today's April Fool's.
haha, i tricked many of my friends (:
I also tio trick. Sadds. haha.
The most funniest one was that when we were having choir practice, my sop. 2 mate, Colin wanted to get revenge cos my another sop. 2 mate, Shane bullied him. So the revenge went like this..
Colin: Ehh Shane, you never tie your shoelace..
then he stopped.And then we laughed. haha.
guess what, Shane's shoe no shoelace lorh.
haha, he damn paisehh.
And my friend told me a website which has a thousand ways of tricking people. The tricks were wonderful. So fun. haha.
go see las (:
They might be helpful to you for next year's April Fool's Day x)
went to see the web?
if so, you got fooled.
maybe it's lame ._.